Motley Crue Spaghetti Incident
One of our students went missing from school and there have been an unusual amount of sightings at the site. This would make that group about 35 percent of our student population at that time.
According to the man in the photo here, he was alone during this time, though it is quite possible that his mother may have somehow alerted someone that his son was missing, but I cannot verify that story as of today.
There is also a woman who reports seeing a man named Nick, who seems to have been coming and going across the parking lot. There is also some evidence that there are multiple large footprints in the grass that may have belonged to the students. There is also an old billboard that we know was painted on.
It should come as no surprise to say that the search for the missing students should have been going on for several days now. It was far too late to start talking to teachers about what they were teaching.
Still, students were at school, attending classes, and keeping their voices up and sometimes going up to the parking lot and driving on the opposite side of the road with their cars. That is what is happening. I am so disappointed with the lack of cooperation that has occurred at the school.
Students were aware of the fact that one of the students lost, and students were still volunteering their time to try and locate the missing students.
The story took on new significance when we went home and talked to the parents who were obviously being incredibly caring at the time.
We were getting questions about Mr. O'Neill, but he is fine. He has been released from the hospital and is back home where they expect him to remain.
But, as they discussed what would happen if one or both students became missing, the story, well, suddenly, gained new meaning. That this was indeed a student who had been one of our "perpetrators," and they were terrified for that child.
Finally, Mr. Doss, one of the other instructors at the school, was found. It was a complete shock to the faculty and staff that he was found, since he had been the first in the area, and as far as we know, the only one of our students to have gone missing.