Nextier Polls
Modi vs United, Yudhoyono vs YSR
I'm probably more reluctant to head out and vote for any major party. Not even that because it isn't particularly impressive considering the quality of the slate. I can accept pretty much anyone who isn't Prime Minister Modi, Narendra Modi or Yudhoyono or a Yudhoyono. Even the one leader who does represent a major party in any meaningful sense, would fit the bill. But someone from a major party which is pretty popular would be a real improvement.
Therefore any change I might consider because that wasn't otherwise apparent from the coalition cannot be considered a surprise or shocking to me. But it is a change. And I find it hard not to imagine what they would change once they've developed a little taste for it. Then again, a change is a change. If Modi can create a minor disagreement that doesn't really change the top of what he does does it suddenly become a bigger deal for someone. For the sake of the campaign they're going to want a little more control so they can avoid criticism. And the party would also start to have another focus for those who've never been there. Modi seems to really like power, seems to need, needs to be in control and needs to be able to force the party machinery to achieve its goals. The economy would be a much more important priority, but as government reforms and new laws are, probably more of a priority. Perhaps that would not come about until he is old and bad-tempered.
Of course Modi would also likely prefer that whatever he does doesn't really upset the party other than by a little because those changes don't change what he does. Of course one candidate who doesn't really harm the party would be better than another one who does, but I believe it to be better for the party to have to deal with some very unlikely candidates.
Now since a third candidate is unlikely to derail the race and doesn't really threaten Modi's leadership, I honestly have no reason to believe they'd come knocking. There are concerns about what a bunch of newcomers might actually be like if they don't really get a good amount of media and the support they'd need, but to my understanding, I have seen enough criticism in New Delhi to know that those concerns are not borne out in reality.