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( Symantec [2017] 2017 Symantec Secure File & Web Server Antimalware Vulnerability Scan Report – November, 2017 – Version 0x3.1.0, Version )
Symantec, Inc. [Symantec] is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Secaucus, New Jersey, whose primary business is the manufacture and sale of software products. (The Symantec logo is displayed in our commercial web site.) As of November 30, 2017,
Symantec is being marketed as a global security and
IT company. Symantec’s U.S. business total revenues exceeded $750 million in 2017 and have increased to $1.4 billion
($1.4 billion) in 2016, making it the fifteenth largest security vendor globally. Symantec has three primary divisions, Sykill, Threat Defender and Intelligence.
Symantec operates and maintains computer security testing labs in 30 locations, in the United States, Canada, Japan, Europe, Japan, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, the Middle East, and a few others. Symantec also conducts over 5,000 vulnerability scans with support personnel dispatched worldwide via phone, web or virtual visit and operates the Symantec ScanNet as Symantec’s security and incident response service.
Symantec has primarily been known for the development and maintenance of security products and systems. Recent developments regarding Symantec’s business include the acquisition of RPA Ltd., the acquisition of VirusTotal, the acquisition of Cryptolocker, and the creation of Symantec Technologies, the new name Symantec Inc., and the change of CEO to Joseph McElroy.
A new partnership with Symantec in April 2017 enables Symantec to supply specific services including: vulnerability scanning, antivirus scanning, endpoint protection, and scanning for “third party” software in addition to its security products.
Symantec has been a partner in Symantec Security and Incident Response since 2001. In March 2012, Symantec began the creation of Symantec Solutions, Inc. with the sole purpose of managing this $5.5 billion global security company.