Nosey Neighbor Movie

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It’s not the first time a popular family-friendly Korean movie has been trotted out to a non-Korean audience, but my trusty Korean friends seem to have grown fond of it quite a bit over the years! Picking up around somewhere in the range of 2013 (or so), It’s not hard to picture a ‘L.A. movie’ crowd enjoying the antics of the ‘noisy’ family members. The way the plot unfolds is hardly original, but by throwing in a touch of Japanese subculture thrown in for good measure, like one uncle gushing, “this is for all of you Korean people. You must all love Japanese people and love this anime” (including the screaming girl in the anime, though it was a co-production with Tohokushinsha), it’s entirely possible that this new cut of the anime made by American company Namco (who also produced the original series) will be spotted in theaters even sooner.

To help you celebrate the awesomeness of such a release, here are 10 recent items on the anime-to-Koreanness front! None of the entries are from the 2009 original cast, although we will pick 10 out the new ones from the US release:

One of the standout achievements is “Imaginary Friend” from 2008 originally released as part of the Original Series line. After all, most of us have friends who have appeared in anime shows…or, at the very least, friends whose faces you have tried to keep (and failed!) to identify when those friends appear in your life – to even worse effect, the image of the same guy twice, and never ever actually seeing him in a non-Korean context? And now we get to see it brought into the “real” world, as the children of neighbors enjoy this new cut of the anime. Brilliant!

Toshito as the ‘Itachi’ of the original anime: “My name is Toshito!” That’s what the Japanese name, Itachis, and the Chinese name, Bamboo Fist are all about.