Nuisance Flashbangs

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Site Guide
All rights granted to our moderators and Moderators to use our original trademarks.

In order to comply with the law of copyright, we, and others related to video game streaming and related fields, will not share our copyrighted creations with you, nor will we link you under a free use creative commons license.

Trolling/Poking is encouraged. Please do not link to this page; leave us a link to another page and we will take it down (ok so this is hard). Our Terms of Service are to remain intact, no personal information whatsoever.

In the spirit of having fun, as in fun, is good, and having fun is better, that is why this site is read and updated in the spirit of having fun.

Alleged Donation Information

This is to inform and maybe embarrass those who may request a donation. All user-generated content on this website is copyright by its creators, I have no personal intentions of commercial exploitation, except those published under free use conditions, which for the most part are rather technical and probably not to the majority of viewers.

We won't host the content indefinitely; after it has ended it will appear elsewhere and we will not add or share any of your details with third parties through any platforms. If you are the owner/creator of content you will be asked if you want to remove the content from our databases and database structures on the day it is removed, to which you will receive no reply.

The reason we host this content is to assist users in accessing information and resources quickly and conveniently without advertisements, sponsored posts, notifications and similar additional services. It is important to us that the information that is made freely available to the public should be helpful to people in need.

Any personal details, identities, user names, addresses, telephone numbers or any other information of you, or of others that you would like to share with us, is to be held by you in a secure environment. Our servers encrypt all data for you, and you do so by disabling internet browsers.

This is just basic security and privacy regarding information shared and recorded about yourself and others. There are laws in place that pertain to this info including the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.