Photodirector Essential

First, congratulations on your awesome Reddit Secret Santa gift! I'll say it: they're the cutest presents ever.

Second, a big HUGGIE to one of the sweetest people I know! (Look, I love you, too, and I know exactly what you did!) You and your group, the Mon-Maloaans, on Reddit, have made my day. There are fewer friendships in my life that have nothing to do with Japanese, which I love. This one is getting real-time attention! I adore this gift!

Third, thank you. You are just so awesome.
Favorite Reddit Secret Santa


First Reddit Secret Santa : Elon

To: Mon-Maloaans on Reddit

I sincerely thank you for being such a sweet support group. I went a little nuts on my Secret Santa gift. Hopefully, I'll get to open it. The giftee's name is Elon. I think you know your way around a computer.

My Secret Santa gave: A way to cook a whole cow in a single dish of chicken. I think that's what they've done, isn't it? I'm waiting for him to email me photos and explain how to cook a cow, or whatever. At least that's what it would feel like. Cheers.


Happy Reddit Secret Santa! I have a whole bunch of scattershot ideas for you. [click to see all] I've thought of a million things to do with them, but I chose this one as it is simply a fun food item to eat, and has my name on it. Your gifts are a nice touch. I consider one gift to be all ones, but as long as it's helpful for my daily life of trying to live as a "Hookster," I'd prefer for my gifts to be two gifts. I'm honored you voted for me, too.

I really wanted to thank everyone who donated on my behalf, as well. All the people that have contributed are true friends. You made my Reddit Secret Santa journey much more enjoyable and enjoyable.

My Secret Santa


My Secret Santa

It's awesome that you really appreciated the effort in helping me get my gifts here.