Pixlr Daily Free Saves

A lot of people and a whole lot of devices lately depend on the Pixlr Daily Free for a successful Lifestyle Blogging and Fun in the digital media world. It gives us easy ways to showcase and share on our own blog, giving us the opportunity to have a guest author or post and introduce them to the readers so that they get to see great content.

This tutorial is to create two themes and a blog, so you can access Pixlr Daily Free from as far as you need.

Requirements If You Want to use the Pixlr Daily Free Web is:

VPS and Datastore that have more than 3 GB Disk Space
A WordPress website which is fully functioning
A Blank Lifestyle Template for blog
If you need more help or a step by step guide just ask, because I am always free to help.

After you have completed the tutorial or have a new one which would work for you as a tutorial, for this tutorial we’ll install the Pixlr theme and use it to create two blogs, one that we’ll call I’m excited about starting my own blog, and another for my friend which has no intention of moving over to wordpress yet, but should really go tomorrow.

Now Lets get started

How to install Pixlr on your VPS?

You just need 1 Simple Thing:

Installing Pixlr

Before we start, you need to install Pixlr. It is included with VPS packages. Its very easy to install, you just follow these steps:

How to install Pixlr on your VPS? You just need a few things: You just need to Install Pixlr! Just follow these steps: 1. Open your VPS internet connection. 2. Go to Control Panel and click on “Administration” tab, then click on “System Administration”. 3. Click on “Network”. 4. Then click on “Authentication” tab and it should be the one in the center with the switch at the right end. Click on that and wait for the authentication of the Pixlr to occur. 5. Then it should start working. 6. Now you are done.