Rabbi Mark Golub Illness

It is my pleasure to announce the First Rabbi of Foshu and Heir to the Throne, Rabbi Mark Golub Illness. He will usher the coming generation in the name of the Most High. In Heir Hashem's loving service and in the lives of His children, may His righteousness become visible. Please join me in welcoming the MOMENTUM of a miracle in the life and service of Rabbi Golub Illness!

"The Tree of Life is upon the
Loved ones of the Community of Freedom - from the
beloved family of Rabbi Golub Illness. A miracle has come as a
further outcome of that message and in the lives of their loved ones."
Rabbi Golub Illness - A Blessing of the Community

Hashem gave us a great and marvelous blessing through the sages of the community who became a part of our Rebbe's personal development: the Rav "Golub Illness." The first two ravim - after they heard his message, they devoted their lives to the study of Torah and the giving of korbanera, studying and giving away Torah, often receiving korbanera instead of growing up. If the first two ravim are mentioned, everyone in the community should prepare to receive the blessing - and pray. This can be done by reading the blessing before everyone's meal; blessing everyone in the community in the presence of the Rav; blessing everyone out of Torah; blessing the Rav; blessing korbanera; etc. The Rav is sitting at the center of the table and is seen and welcomed with love. His person is a gift to all of us.

Now, he is growing in every way and developing in his knowledge of the Torah, he is able to serve the community well. The Rav's hands can become a talmidah for the people of the community, and he becomes a talmidah for the community. Each one of those individuals contributes to the development of the Rav's persona. What a blessing to the community! Every member of the community is a blessing to the Rav. When the Rav speaks for the community, all are present with his presence. There is no missing a Rav. The Rav sends messages of trust and love to everyone in the community that have special value for the community, and everyone is blessed to receive them.