Ravoltek Llc Scam
Here and now, they say it never happened. There wasn’t even one official shred of evidence to back up the rumor. But there just might be some proof, if I can find it. We’ll find out soon enough.
Unlocking Wall Street by visiting their website (even better than our own site because it’s free), you’ll find a message there, signed by hundreds of the worst players in Wall Street. Their message is simple. They want 100% of everything you sent to them when you land, every penny of it. They want five percent of whatever you send in. They demand a million dollars for their efforts. Give them what they want, and you’ll have a whole lot more than they know what to do with.
They demand that you give them some “direction on” things that mean nothing to them. “Here is information about a book written by a famous author who just rewrote his own biography so he could bury his past by starting a new life in Italy,” they say. “This is a brand-new book about some high ranking individuals in a fictional family that have been executed. Here is a huge quote from the infamous Nazi, Robert Theological Seminary founder, Karl Barth.” Then you’ll be paid 5%, to be honest. “You are probably going to write a lot of well known books which others also depend upon,” they say. “You can write some obscure, long forgotten novel about John Koestler and the Nazis and no one cares about it, but I’d like to see you learn from your mistakes.” You’ll be getting two payment options: a hundred bucks on Wednesday, and $500 a week. No strings, you know.
Then you must also pay a third payment of $4,000. With that money, if you win, you’ll send more money to them on Saturday, when you will earn it for yourself. Any other number is a dead loss, so they are obviously trying to scare you.
They may also take the money from your bank account and invest that in high-yielding stocks, like the Russell 3000. They may also put those money in cash, or any other investment they choose you to put your money into.