Roblox Unable To Verify You Have Access

For access to the server (server version 3 or above) we need to make sure the users have the account that can access the server. When we login as Admin, it asks us a verification. It does not automatically ask for a login and then verify. But when it finds that the account that can access the server is not listed in the server administrator role there is no trace of the account in the server administrator role to be able to then verify.

Do you have a copy of the server that you are using with Windows? We are having problems with a server version 3 and above as well..

Your account details will not be listed in the role that can verify users. If we need to do anything let us know i'll be happy to update and attach more information.

Joined: 10 Nov 2007

Posts: 1289 My apologies, I hadn't noticed before, you just need to be sure the users with that privilege exist. I don't think you had a problem having the users without the admin privileges if you've added your admin rights to the project as well.RabbitHenderson

Joined: 08 Sep 2007
Posts: 3624
Re: Unable to run the server3 server

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2010 9:24 am Post subject:

My apologies, I hadn't noticed before, you just need to be sure the users with that privilege exist. I don't think you had a problem having the users without the admin privileges if you've added your admin rights to the project as well.

We had that error before, but it was when the server was running from a certain base station as the receiver. If the same base station is being installed remotely then all of our users should be able to access, but it is not. If I am installing the same server remotely as I am installing this server, then I do not believe the issue is caused by having a base station not being in that server instance, though.

I added the admin role to project A just so it would be easier in that situation. When I attempt to rerun the installer I receive the error "Problem with server installation while installing Project A.