Ronmika Simpson
Real Name: Raden Mitchell
Breeding Name: The Gambler
Height: 5' 7" (165 cm)
Weight: 130 lbs (55 kg)
Weight Status: Normal
Birth Date: August 6, 1996
Birthplace: New York, New York
Previous Names: Radem Huan-Lin
Nationality: USA
Favourite movie? How many people do you think are addicted to music? Are we the drunkest generation? If you said, "We've moved past drinking and this is a phase," and you counted ten, then you'd be right, but the truth is that if you look at the music and the lifestyle of the U.S. citizens, you will understand the differences between us and the people we live among. It's not that they can't survive but it's that you can't live simply in the moment.
You can't live only in the moment of an everyday life. You need to function on a constant basis. Sometimes you need to go out and do things that aren't in your pocket, you know, those simple moments that you can enjoy. You need to take a walk, go out with your friends, do some creative work when it's quiet, get a manicure and massage treatment, get a massage, and get over something in your life. You need to have downtime and recreation. That's the basic order of things, but sometimes when you do you need to have something in your hands. You just don't have the time to do all that all the time. That's the thing, if only you're lucky.
Which are you more? You're an addict, right, because of your environment and your lifestyle?
A popular adage in the U.S., "It's not what you do, it's how you do it," sums up the situation. You know, that first quote came from an old commercial by Clear Channel when you were a kid seeing something, an accident involving high fructose corn syrup in a Coke. In other words, it was over a soft drink that was basically poison in combination to the brain and the body. Well, "It's not what you do, it's how you do it" is how Americans tell the difference between an addict and a hypochondriac.