Scholly Shark Tank
The story goes that this is the first game of the Sho-Con. Game Pro told me this, according to the official website. "It has been more than a dozen years since the first Sho-Con and since the Sho-Con is in South Korea, the first Sho-Con won't disappoint to bring the greatest South Korean game." Game Pro. "The Sho-Con is officially considered one of the greatest game of all time! It is a game worth seeing in South Korea anytime! Many wonderful events have been held since that time of founding and today there are many great live events, events for fans and the whole world! Everyone can participate and enjoy with their friends any chance they want. The Sho-Con and the Sho-Con Store are both now available in Japanese but they are also very comfortable to use on a big screen like the main source material we have! The design and the aesthetics of the game are so true to the style and the essence of the Korean culture." They hope that the game will be a hit for the world. The game which was created for ShoCon is a giant failure according to the developers of this game:
G-Watch: "The story can be characterized as a "fairy tale" kind of a story. Your objective in "Shark Tank" is to make a lot money. A large amount of money is great. "Shark Tank" is a big success not because it is that important, but because this is the first game for ShoCon. Game Pro claims that "Shark Tank's success is thanks in large part to the large amount of money it generated. But since it is a game that was developed in South Korea, the "Shark Tank" is failed. There are a lot of people who are unhappy with the "Shark Tank" and the game's success because of this. There is also a lot of fans of the "Shark Tank". They don't like the way the "Shark Tank" works and they don't like this game."
GohGame: "The game is a failed game. A mega failure and a huge failure at that! 'The game is a massive failure' is not correct. 'It is a mega failure' is not correct either. It is a failure in the biggest sense of the word and not in the smallest sense.