School Closures Shreveport

Not to worry. All our workers have temporary housing, such as friend/family, the County Police Department, or the Salvation Army. Our aim is to reduce waste of tax dollars and money that could be used for good.


All of our care coordinators serve the homeless and other at-risk patients they can find. Please note what our care coordinators are/are not doing around here, and try to find one or two things of assistance where you can.


We don’t know what the conversion rate of those with disabilities is. But, if you are an older person with a disability who needs a lift, we can provide transportation. In some cases, we can even take you to the doctor's office. Call your closest Social Security office.

We aren’t able to schedule you with those you have paid to. But, we can often do it, even for those who we don’t know. But, we want to make sure those that paid someone did so properly.

There are many different ways to find us. But, one way is to go to and search the address. Then, it will come as a list of the agencies and their names. Or, call the office and ask for a list. Some of the names you will see there are those that we would like to have you contact.


Good news! We have great shelters in Springfield and Watertown. If you need medical care or transportation to another location please tell your doctor. While the cost difference is small it is still very important to get your care. Call with any questions.

We find the best solutions for kids in the SHARE program's care.
The "We try to find solutions" or family care at a place of education.
One or more at SHARE's community meals served by volunteers.

You can call them to get started and see what they offer there. But, many of the children that we find to get into SHARE also go to the State Office for Services to Children.