Self Fulfilling Prophecy Wow
Okay, we’ve finally made it to the end of Part 1, and now it’s time to take a look at the last installment of “Custody.” While the book does a good job at demonstrating what life might look like if the characters remain Christian and live a life of sacrificial love, our journey continues. I like this concept… that Jesus will carry us to victory or to our grave if we trust Him and believe His promises. Jesus reveals a truth of which He can make Himself manifest to us in the darkest of times and the most holy place — heaven. We must recognize that He is always manifest to humanity, but we must not get caught up in the thought that He will become one of us in heaven. None of us will see the second half of Jesus’ journey into heaven until He does it for us. Although the journey isn’t over, our relationship with Jesus has not yet reached the point of “yes, you are going to heaven now.” We are still facing great tests in our relationship with Jesus, and Christ has caused us to be tested also to the end, but the journey to a glorious future can include a series of trials.
During my mid-20s, I was encouraged to read Paul’s letter to the church in Thessalonica, which was prompted by the Gospel that had just been preached. Paul tells this story of Jesus coming to the temple, preaching and enticing the crowds, and then coming with his disciples to the upper room. He also tells of a much earlier testimony of Jesus, who showed His disciples the bread that He had given them. Jesus said, “This is the body…” (Matthew 13:57-58). I instantly imagined Jesus, the apostle, having with Peter and Andrew and Jesus’ disciples the same experience as I was having. So I very quickly went on a search for an article supporting Thessalonica’s testimony for Jesus. Once I located something, I shared it with my friends who had become Christians through the years, just as I would want others to share whatever positive developments I had discovered in their lives and experiences. At that point, I would say that I was in a very happy place and had a vision for what a great life I could have for myself and others.