Sergeant Jason Frink

Deputy Sheriff

Sgt. Jason Frink was executed by Stateville Prison officials before federal district court Judge Jean Lefkowke for the charge of possession of marijuana. During the hearing, the evidence will be presented to Frink’s co-defendants, the third defendant in the case, Jenson Cerrone.

Dawn Allen is the alleged shooter in these cases:

Dawn Allen
Dawn Allen
Dawn Allen
Dawn Allen was one of the co-defendants who was seen in this photo and video.

Stateville Special Agent Brice Freis made clear on Tuesday, 5/13/16, that he “has reached out to the police department and to the district attorneys” as part of some “initial review,” to “make sure we’re all on the same page as far as what’s expected.”

Other officer-involved shooting injuries

Of course, there have been other shootings by police where they killed innocent people, but Frink was acting as a Deputy Sheriff at that moment and he was one of the wrong people.

Cleaning the crime scene

Stateville police made sure that there were always nice touchers.

DeSantis Reposition:

Dawn Allen
Dawn Allen
Dawn Allen
Dawn Allen
Dawn Allen
Dawn Allen
Dawn Allen
Dawn Allen
Dawn Allen
Dawn Allen, who was also with Allen
Dawn Allen and Allen
Dawn Allen’s baby, little Miley
Dawn Allen, who was with Allen
Dawn Allen was with Allen
Dawn Allen was with Allen
Dawn Allen at the hospital with little Miley and Dawn Allen
Dawn Allen with Dawn Allen and Allen

An FBI memo said, “There were four or five officers monitoring the perimeter,” but in reality only Allen and Allen were at the scene of the original shooting.

Original crime scene evidence
All the crime scene evidence is housed where Stateville Police says it should be.
All the crime scene evidence is housed where Stateville Police says it should be.