Skephalo Meetup

The Skeleton Staff

A long-time Skephalo-esque group; members, events, ideas. This is just a gathering of like-minded, enthusiastic people interested in Skeptics, the paranormal, and things related to history of the Earth. Get your activity on, its a great way to pass the time and people can show up to our meetup and talk about anything they are interested in or need support.

Latest Meetup Posts

New in 2.0.7

If you've been following the news over the past couple of months you may know that SkepticalScience is excited to release the first beta release of 2.0.7. We wanted to give you an early look at what's in store and want to let you know that there's tons to be excited about and that a lot of you are going to love this release. Keep reading...

New in 3.0

We received a lot of questions about what exactly is a "troll" and why it is banned. Well, it's definitely in the middle at this point, but you should see the movie below and know that it's a pretty accurate preview of how things can go down. And remember, one of the 3.0 features will be allowing creation of fake "trolls" in a white...

New in 3.0

Happy Thursday. We have just completed our review of The New Age. Take a second to refresh your memory because it's important that you understand the process used to review a movie. Now, let's look at some of the pros and cons of the movie, and a couple of how you can...

Welcome to 2.0

We have been working on shaping up for Skeptics 2012 over the past two weeks and have just come to the end of the first meeting held. We are really excited to be working with some amazing teams in the science community that we have been hearing so much about and talking...

We're getting ready to release a brand new version of Skeptical Science. The first release of Skeptical Science will be 2.0.7. The goal is to be the most updated and up to date version out there. So, if you aren't already on Skeptical Science, here's some notes on why it is different...