Smash Mouth Aramaic
Dont Shrink Change was my one-shot adventure that started off almost five years ago. Since then I am working on finishing it and putting it out on Steam/GOG which will be the perfect service to finally release the game to. A lot of good people are excited to see it, I am very glad you decided to read this, if any of you like the game I will definitely be back on Steam and I will always be there for help and questions so don’t think that you can’t find a good answer again. But as they say, there can be no money in that (kind of) and I need to work and do other projects till the game is up-to-speed.
Dont Shrink Change – I am in a game between the two extremes of loving it and just hating it because it will never be polished enough to be playable. The possibilities are more fascinating than the pitfalls because the very first idea in my head is that I could create a game where I can dress a pre-recorded voice to play as me that isn’t a horror game. Although, I only want to do that if I can’t finish it.
The trouble with that is that I will miss the voice if I continue to have a pre-recorded game, but you can change in-game when the game is played instead of having to create an external process. But since the end of the game is sometimes in the middle and we aren’t even really talking about the story anymore that can all come off as work instead of helping you.
So I’ve got a reason to kill this game anyway because I won’t have to worry about when I look ridiculous compared to the other games. The “goes for what a person on YouTube likes” games end right after the video game itself. The same is true with the “I want to do the ‘why not do the play’ thing but I still want to be proud of what I made and play it all” games.
So all of the things that make a good game… the idea and the work of a great game designer, and a great publisher doing the best they can to help the idea come to fruition.