Spellforce Conquest Of Eo Wiki


Doom Patrol had a lot of time to finish building it during it's preparation for its launch back in Summer 2012. Sometime in the middle of 2011, though, something caught my attention and got me interested in becoming the partner for it.

I have had a couple of short stints running online for a few years now and I haven't done it for more than a year. For me the online part had always been something of a flop or a gimmick for a hobby website. Besides, who wouldn't want a website with great quality pictures (I prefer real life pictures), in great focus around specific characters, good general fanart, plus something of a forum if I were to run a website myself?

I can't wait to get this process started on a forum and from there, expand it into a full website. After filling in a couple of details, such as the forum's website and forum rules (I'll explain that in the "about" section, but for those still reading this introduction, you can go to that directly).

I have a couple of quick questions now. Do want to extend an invitation to some people to join our site or do want a word with you?

First thing first: we don't really have much time before we have to build the site, so we would prefer that you guys join us in those hours. We have not put a deadline on anything, so we'll just keep that an open question. Thanks again and I hope to see you in our forums very soon and it's nice that we can be like, by the numbers, friends on this website.

Here with all this talk, first thing is the rules.

1. Start by saying hi. Or by following the original site title.

2. If you want to join the site, you will be notified soon about how to sign yourself up.

3. If you want to request an intro line, something like "Mr. E, you want to join our Discord?" or "we have many people joining and doing stuff here" wouldn't work, I understand. I am trying to emulate who you all are here, and the format of "Please e what?" will be in use in the future to bring you into the Discord channel.