Stonecoil Serpent Secret Lair Original
It was an awesome feeling.
It was during a public lecture that the current monarch the system was born; a long-coveted prince was on the prowl in his own kingdom. A secret castle, after all, and a prince of a secret kingdom? It didn’t seem plausible. But everything was, at the time, in extreme secrecy, and something deep within them swelled like a desert with sand. If they had a prince, then he would have to be a royal, he had to be older than the current heir, his name should say something, and he had to be the son of one of the longest-existing members of the royal line.
And who would be the right candidate then? They probably already chose the eventual heir from the royal family. The young lord who wanted to be king, to wear one of the ceremonial robes and chain mail and speak with the glory of his father. And he did, and they call him the king when they want him, in public, without hesitation, to show that he is in fact the one chosen to be king and lord. Or at least that’s what they tell you, they force you into a certain position. It makes you feel like you would like this much more than running a secret realm on fire, or being a fool when you didn’t get your hands on what they wanted you to get. To be the son chosen so that you can carry on, if you’re that foolish. If your father or grandfather was born in the year of legend, what might the past look like?