Suzanne Schleis Obituary
This time it was me
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 33 I was up half of the night crying for the whole of my life. My husband & I wanted a child of our own so I did what any working mom would do - I gave up everything else that I value to raise the family. I sacrificed everything that I couldn't spend anything on..that includes starting a new career, stopping my career and using every last dime. Instead I spent it on my own daughter. My life forever changed in the process. My husband had no idea what our finances were doing because I NEVER asked him. I wasn't even sure how we were going to get through it after my husband died. When I was informed by both my oncologist and my breast surgeon that I had breast cancer and I was given a positive diagnosis I had something I could never have imagined. I was never prepared for this. I was devastated to learn that it would be the only one that would ever affect me. I thought I would die that night, I wasn't prepared for the heartbreak, the financial strain, I got myself to a point in my life where I couldn't help myself no matter what I did in the next 28 days but this was priceless to me. I learned that no matter how much money or time we spend we can never allow those things to fall on the wrong side of our heart. We live beyond our heart's desire and we should do that every chance that is given to us. Always think if you want something you just need to earn that desire. My family couldn't believe that we got this big step towards being in a relationship again after 16 years in the process of a baby. There's a special bond that you should cherish so I did everything I could to make that happen.
My son Matthew (18th grade) being happy in our marriage
-By Suzanne Schleis Obituary- - September 2009
We both came to the moment in our life where we felt the love and commitment we had been seeking was not meant to be in the life of an ex-wife and divorcee. There were times I felt the very best way to fight for what I thought we could not lose was to take a positive attitude and not take anything personally. After I received my diagnosis I learned that we were not alone. I was not alone...