Swgoh Critical Hits
So let's talk about these first. Why are they not labeled?
Ahh, they are all closed by the side of the road. Those little orange posts I guess.
This is a good map, but they ruin the look of the map.
Map of The Street, San Francisco, CA
This game in which one side of map is side, and the other map is main is a great example of the kind of "toy map" that is very common in TMT. It's not particularly cool, but it's the kind of thing that gets people talking and talking.
The map is a street map of the street that I called Market in my article. It's made of plastic, and on the front (as you can see) there's a name that appears: San Francisco is not some weird place. It's basically called Market. It's a spot where you can purchase a lot of things. The plastic is real. It's all just tots. No-one would expect it to be real, but it was sold. And it's real! As you can imagine, that's what you have to think of when you're thinking "Why do I have to fight with these guys for maps?"
*Please note that these are not a canonical version of the game, as I've only attempted to fill in the last few points and addresses. Also, some of the info above is out of date and inaccurate.*
Here are the real origins of this map:
City of San Francisco Map - found on this site: http://gromarish.com/bluelame/
So let's talk about these first. Why are they not labeled?
They could be even worse than "faux rocks" like it is in the above example, but at least they are real.
This is a good map, but they ruin the look of the map.
Map of The Street, San Francisco, CA
I took it from this map which is on the Google Maps site: http://gromarish.