Tech N9ne Ace Of Spades
It wasn’t just my phone that needed customizing, but also the N9ne’s battery: “[Battery] needs a new case,” he said. Within a few hours, he received the new case in the mail, which he added was actually heavier than the original battery case.
The battery wasn’t a problem for the N9ne Ace of Spades. He also had to protect his e-mail account and his home computer with special security measures. The phone, which sports a huge display, requires a larger screen than other models, he said.
“This is basically the same phone that has a smaller display on the top, and on the bottom it’s a full-size phone,” he said. “It uses too much power to be usable.”
However, he does agree that the battery case does help prevent his phone from overheating, which is something the N9ne has to contend with. “When I was making calls, it overheats way more quickly than I can afford,” he said. He needs a case “like Samsung’s Phat Cool case” that can keep the phone cool, even while the battery heats up. That case turns out to be particularly popular, as you’ll find across the Web if you’re looking for a suitable case for a cool phone.
The most surprising suggestion on Amazon was that the phone might not suffer if the battery died—at least all of it. Or, in other words, replace it?
I first saw the phone back at the N9ne Ace of Spades sale booth on sale for $285.00. It was $80 off. I later tried to negotiate a reduced price but that was met with indifference, so I just had to take my chances. Luckily the phone was still available for sale at their eBay store, so after a few phone calls I got it down to $115.
The case is thin, slim and black, almost identical to the N9ne Ace of Spades. It does, however, include a few extra pockets, which come with two rechargeable battery cells. The other pocket holds a spare battery, charging cable and the app that is required to unlock the phone.