Tie Interceptor Proving Grounds

Tiebreaker PvP ground is located south of the Grand Canal, across from the canal piers under the bridge, the centreline of the building you see. The centreline of the building is curved with the two docks on one side, and the canal piers from one side and a small puddle in one corner on the other. South of the puddle is a river bend running into a canal and to the left is a deep tunnel. There is a huge swampy area behind the buildings, with some trees on the grass field to the north west. The ground is rough and packed. It has been used since the dawn of the internet.

There are three floors across from the canal. The main floor has been built on the area of land between the big buildings, which has on the same level overhangs the tunnels and the river, which can be accessed by stairs, the area is clear and quiet.

You can access the ground from the shoreline, from one of the main buildings by a ramp from which there is a small walkway. You can also climb all three floors by climbing the stairs beneath the building and crossing the tunnel. The ground is open and has lots to do (walking, building repairing, cooking, etc)

I presume you are starting with a half-life balance weapon equipped? There are a few different categories of PvP ground. Tier 1 is usually for PvPers in the tier 4 class, Tier 2 is for PvPers in the tier 6 class, Tier 3 is for PvPers with advanced training in tier 6, and Tier 4 PvPers who are self-taught in tier 3, and the beginners class PvPers in a non-training class are PvPers in the tier 6 skill tier, These are the classes that are at risk of moving on to single-combat mode, and the ones that can handle a full fight.

Tier 4 and Tier 6 PvP Ground

Tier 4 ground consists of open ground, you can walk almost anywhere, although there are a few areas with restricted areas where you have to go through raised defensive barriers to pass. There are fairly small areas like the area in the centre right of the map.