Tobias Forge Grammys 2023

Honoring the Recording Industry
We’re back at Studio 18 to talk about how you, the musicians on our show, are already getting paid. That’s right.

Well, the studio is already open. We are the only place in Los Angeles where recording on a budget is not only legal, it’s encouraged.

We sell our recordings and products online at and at our show. Our show is on YouTube, but after 4AM on a Saturday, it’s still technically a show.

On this show, you get to listen to our recordings and own the recordings that we will take home.

At the end of this year I am set to give 4,000 tickets to 4,000 viewers for free. That’s a lot of viewers for one broadcast.

But when we talk about it like being a global artist on our show, that’s not just legal, it’s completely encouraged, as well.

We are a recording society. We should be recognized with a Grammy, at least. We have a larger goal than just being recording artists. So that’s why I’m bringing you to the studio.

Who’s this great person for recording right now?

Chris Martin

We all grew up together. My father was a session player; my brother, another session player, both of them really good guys.

In high school, he discovered me playing saxophone so he started me playing sax. When I was 15, he made me move to New York.

I spent three years in New York with my brother and my dad playing, and one year in New York with different sax players. Then, my brothers and I got to Santa Barbara and we formed a band called the Crusaders.

When we moved to L.A., we became the Crusaders. We were mostly session players, but we had a super hard-core band; the Crusaders.

When I first came to L.A., my bandmate was the guitarist in the Crusaders so we joined that band, and we all played together. Because of that, I got to play at the house that all the major artists were living at in Hollywood.