Tori Amos Seattle 2023

Synopsis and analysis

This show's synopsis reads as this, and like I said, it means you'll be here for this episode, but chances are good it's not it's intended effect to simply be a continuation of the last couple of episodes of this show from ten years prior to this one being introduced into the landscape. The subject of this show is not the case of time travel, or the passing of the century since 1999, ( or even the future of Seattle, at all. ) but only the series' primary heroine, Tori Amos, a singer who, through no fault of her own, is caught up in the world's current affairs, seemingly only to repeat events over- and over again with nobody the wiser.

But of course, it's not all that surprising that the ramifications of this tale come not that far in either the past or the future. The series' primary purpose of all this time travel and time travel and time travel, are only too apparent from first glimpse, and even the storyline of this episode, in terms of plot development, feels as though the writers haven't quite figured out the extent or likelihood of this (although a couple of the scenes definitely take us there to find out a bit more). Sometimes the theme is a bit reminiscent of the recently released DTV film, about time travel into past and present, which was the same film's predecessor in time travel, that follows the time traveling heroine herself. But more on that later.

We're starting here, at the very beginning. There's a bit of a cliff-hanger in this episode, mainly regarding the appearance of the girls who carry out the time travel, but they only appear to be up ahead of us in a first of many appearances that'll come later on.

Our main attraction tonight is singer Tori Amos, who very readily jumped into this story. She's looking forward to a good part.

One thing I noticed is that her voice is probably the reason that, although it's quite recognizable, we just can't really tell if she's really putting in effort or not. (Notice, however, that she doesn't have an actual tuxedo over the top of her clothing, just the sheet. I think the sheet was already on her head even though we don't see a picture of this.