Totoro Bonsai Fountain

Totoro Bonsai Fountain The front of the glass tower.

Welcome to a little history lesson. The original Totoro was a huge Mookan-shaped structure that was crafted of high-grade concrete. After the construction was completed, the massive monster was erected in the middle of the forest at the end of a huge garden. The construction process started with the thick concrete being transported along wooden ladders called for and the first giant Totoro was ready to be set up. After the first giant Totoro was completed, a monster made out of pure crystal appeared. “That’ll do”, thought the creator of the idea. The creation of this Totoro made him very happy, so happy in fact that Totoro grew from an adult monster to a baby monster. This Totoro was very proud, and grew up with Totoro happily enjoying his life.

A few years passed and a baby Totoro appeared. This beast was actually the descendant of Totoro’s creation – the monster that grew from an adult-sized giant and to a child. He went around trying to capture people and when he got tired of fighting, he would use his power to capture his human friends. A few months have passed. While there was still more than one child, the baby who had been inside her for years did not seem to be interested in having a family. As she grew older, it became clear that the crystal inside the Totoro had a huge urge to live and grew stronger. It joined all the other monsters one day and took the form of a giant fang. It was big enough to grow and have its power even stronger. This fang also took on the form of a guardian. She’s a guardian because in her world, many, many people die in mysterious, horrific circumstances.

It took the Totoro a long time to grow and develop. After having the most advanced power ever, the Totoro finally finished its training to become an actual human, before she became a Guardian.

As the Totoro matured, a little incident happened that prevented her from actually having a family and stayed with her forever. The Totoro’s powers grew stronger.