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1. First entry is open to all Product Owners and Product reviewers worldwide!
All entrants must be over 18 (18+ years in the future) to enter.
• Maximum of $10 entry fee to be paid upon completion of this contest

• Entries must be posted on Product Reviews Forums or Product Reviews Team subreddit:

For example: Forum post = 5Entry on /r/ProductReviewsTeam subreddit = 5Entry on /r/ProductReviews

2. Entries must be received by 28th October, 2016. Winner will be announced after 20th December at Product Reviews Community.

• All entrants must be over 18 (18+ years in the future) to enter
• Entry subject to Product Review Awards
• Entries eligible for Product Reviews Awards
• Entries eligible for Product Reviews Awards will be chosen by Blogging Cat and/or Q-Rox editors, and will be announced on Product Reviews Community after the Community Member has confirmed their eligibility to enter.
• Entries can be posted on the Product Reviews Facebook Page on /r/productreviews or Product Reviews Google+ Page on /r/productreviewsTeam before the deadline of 22nd October, 2016

• Entries must comply with Product Reviews Developer Rule #10.1:

• Entries posted on the Product Reviews Facebook Page, Google+ Page or social stream announcing entry must be captioned with a tweet of the announcement. Entries posted on Product Reviews Forums or Product Reviews Team subreddit before the deadline or posted before the announcement on such other forums as the above post announcement must be captioned with a similar tweet of the announcement.
• Entries must be posted with text other than the body, which must be captioned, and must comply with Product Reviews Technical Rules
• This contest does not include rewards and shipping for the entries posted within a contest period.
• Those who enter a contest under age of eighteen (18+) are ineligible to enter the contest
• Entrants will be disqualified from the contest for simply creating an entry using such social media and community guidelines.