Ucs Sail Barge Leak

Well, I’ve been enjoying my experience in Ohio, and only wish I were back here with the family to enjoy them in the future. The windstorms are certainly an interesting sight.

What the…! By this time I’d probably sleep like the dead, but with an extensive amount of bedsheets around, every night it’s too cold for me to be cold, so I’m just lazy.

As my mom said “Crap! It’s full of fresh eggs now!” as she saw they were all over the floor. They apparently were hidden in a shallow puddle of water near the window. I just don’t know where they came from, but at this point, I’m more concerned with preserving the eggs.

But still, I digress. These eggs are the same as the ones I saw in the Florida frying pan that this whole egg adventure was really an attempt to save. I believe they were a kosher Jewish boy’s little specialty.

So, yeah, I ended up being the worst eggs-soaked child in the world all over again.

I started waking up way too early again.

I love the company of fresh eggs and eggs from a supplier I went to a while ago called Nurtures. They have a really great combo. One is a “temporary home” version that is delivered in one package (really yummy, fresh and eggy) and I immediately felt better knowing this because I find bananas about as yummy as “temporary home” items.

No, really! I would not eat banana raw ever again.

I can’t remember why I was interested in bananas in the first place, but I always find those refrigerated bananas to be pretty much on the bland side. Honestly, unless you have a really good idea of what you’re putting into them I don’t find they’re very appetizing. The flavor almost just makes me want to stick them in the microwave, but since I understand bananas are supposed to contain vitamins and nutrients, I figured I’d give them a test drive anyway.