Upchurch And His Mom
Luke Byer
Today was the first day of my big trip to Chattanooga, TN for a trip conference and I already could not wait for this day! I have never been by myself to a big city or to any kind of college campus in my life and so having the freedom to do this without my parents was the ultimate gift.
I have never traveled more than once before, this will be the first time I have been without my mom for over a week due to a hospital stay a few months ago. My mother comes with me almost all the time, in fact it is tradition she has on this trip.
We left off in my room with my grandparents bedding in my room, thinking this is where I would spend much of my time for the next few weeks.
We came out of my room, and as soon as we did my dad was running off to the bathroom crying. My mom grabbed my hand in mine and pulled me to my feet, so I instantly started crying too. We were all laughing and talking and making fun of each other on how we felt. We found one of my favorite cafes and we were walking in with our shoes off, this cafe was really a local spot so we really could eat there and make a great meal in a few minutes.
The people at the cafe where we were sat down as we sat there for a short time as well. We were chatting away chatting and telling each other funny stories which gave me the opportunity to show off a new favorite cartoon I had just been watching. I could not wait to go downstairs. I did not feel like I had it this good before.
Grandma came out from upstairs and hugged my mom and I said “Mom what have you gotten me for Christmas? What did you get me?? I LOVE IT!! I’VE GOT SOME SORRY NOW THANKS!!” to which she responded “What’s the problem I can take you with me? You get to come with me every holiday and meet a big family..”
“Yes!” I said and said “Which family?”
“I don’t know if you know but you have never been with a BIG family!!!