Wesley Deters

© All Rights Reserved. Please do not use, reproduce, repost, or copy any part or portion of this
Quiet Truth for any purpose or in any way without the express written consent of
Wesley Deters.
Other names and trade secrets that are not identified here may be included in

the general public web archive:

USGIA – George Wesley Deters, US Public Licensing Agency.
Hereinafter referred to as “USGIA”, the foregoing represents part of the public domain.
“Public domain” is defined as: “Created and owned by the American people as
freedom of information.” Government has to treat public domain information on the
same terms as public domain material, but in a more definitive way. Public domain
is usually treated as available for everyone to use freely. For example, you can read
any article from any source for FREE on the internet. There are always going to be
sites where only paid content is available, often at a price that is the same.
Public domain material is available for free use, however, not without paying for
the privilege. No government entity has gone to the trouble and expense of establishing
a long-term public domain policy. Governments are controlled by the people, not by the
media, and they work so hard to keep people from getting information that they forget
that most people want, and in fact a great deal of material, from the public domain.
Wikipedia is an example of public domain work. The site cannot be used for paid
research, but everyone wants to use public domain information, and there is always
the possibility that a copy will be made if something is worth the trouble. “Paid
research” means a lot of money for the research. It generally includes hiring a few
people full-time to work on a few tasks that seem important, since pay may not
always be enough to support research effort. No budget is put aside for paid
research. The only research effort is expended by someone who makes a living
saying that they need the research. Unless funding is established it is almost
certain that the investigation will go nowhere.