What Is A Mipa Alert

If you want an annual checkup it's not hard to find a doc who tells you to get a Mipah alert. There are numerous out there and most are a set of instructions to get a different one. Most tell you not to eat or drink anything with sugar in them and others tell you don't worry about it. If you have a severe type you are sent to a dietician to make sure you are eating real food and drinking real water.

There is a simple dietician can help you and other kinds of Mipa
Mipa for a rare type
What Is A Mipa Alert?
Here is an example from the doctor quoted above. (doctor notes below)

5-10 Days Before My First Mipa, I Had These Changes In My Body: Weight Loss, Hair Loss, and Feelings of Being Sick. Then I Had These Changes In My Body: Weight Gain, Hair Loss, and Feeling Sick.

At Day 6 of my series of Mipa I had these changes: Weight Loss, Hair Loss, and Feelings of Being Sick. You might know I'm prone to migraines. Once I started Mipa it felt like I was having migraines all the time. Then I had these changes also.

My doctor said that they couldn't predict if I would have any problems from my Mipa but I'd be more likely to have other changes, especially from my Mipa.

The Doctors For Mipa Warning

There are very few good doctors that I know of. Here is some info on doctors that tell you to get Mipa:

Here is a list from "Mipa Doctors"
"I have had several MDs tell me that I was to get a mipa"
"My first choice for a doc i can't think of any bad issues they will suggest they do mipa"
"this doctor what advise me too get a mipa"
"I would think a Mipa doctor will tell you to get a mipa"
"I have had doctors say I was Mipa a few times to listen to my migraines"
"Does mipa work for migraines? how soon is it used?