Why Did The People Of Hermione Sacrifice Heifers?

by Tania Volman

Photography by Christiane Meintjes

“I don’t care. I hate animals. I’m so happy about the fact that they’re never in my life again and never here. This is a surprise to me. It’s like a miracle of nature. Animals are in the woods and I don’t mess with them. I’d rather be in the woods than to go to my house. I don’t go to the party the same day. In the evening I watch the TV, and it works for a long time. When I go to the party I can’t stay away from the TV. I know that I don’t have to dance, that isn’t the thing I like, so I find myself dancing every night and I don’t care. If I were the only one of them, they’d all start to dance and dance. Then I’d find out how happy it makes those men to say they want to dance with me, to walk by me with out a coat. That’s all really bad, I think, because after I have danced a little bit, I’ll be just like them. Maybe I’ll go home. Does that help you to know me?”

by Ben Wainwright

“The only reason we broke away from the other boys and our parents was because we were angry. When we were still the ‘Young People,’ we were happy if anyone sang ‘God Save The Queen.’ And when I got angry, my face got nasty. But the girls had a soft time of it. My sister didn’t go around swinging her stocking.

The only reason we changed was that we had to because the government stopped our education in the name of the revolution. There’s always something wrong in a revolution, whether the government is nice or the government is bad. But they didn’t care. It wasn’t that we wanted new schools and everything. We didn’t care, we never cared. We just wanted the hell out! We finally got fed up and broke away. I did find a teacher, but she was never after us.