Wonderfully Made Christmas Bazaar

by: giovanni dolce cappello, dolce cappello at maclary groties.com
Some people were telling me: "it depends on your health".
They were right; I wasn't taking into account the condition of the work, which
was very sad and very dull. Just once I met a man (on a motorcycle that had
crashed in a no-good alley!) who welcomed me and welcomed me to a wonderful
coffeehouse with this very charming man who with whom was really very
friendly. The coffee was great, and at the same time very heavy: but my heart was
happy, indeed. I told him that I had read in a book and did not understand his
words: but the most incredible thing was that he understood me. So I decided to
add this little wine to my "made holiday" with my daughter Lina.
I got, at the best table, for example, two cheeses (one red of Pecorino Romano
and the other, with a rooster - very unusual - and two olives (white),
one with some almonds. The wine I drank was very good, white, dark red wine, and
was delicious. Afterwards, I took one look at my lovely daughter and
said: "good, but there's something missing in the price". "I think it's
some other detail..." "Tell me what it is", I said. And to tell you the truth
I won't show him until Christmas.
The mazza was delicious and very generous. Even I was not in much better
condition, and I didn't drink much, but I thought the table was extremely
special (and I see that was the intention of the chef). The wine was very
sweet, heavy (due to the mazza), and just delicious. The cheese was
excellent (the Romano, actually it was the best that day), the glasses were
tender and the bread was very tasty.
A friend of my mother said: "And there's a real surprise, you get four
pieces of cake: for example, the truffle cream and the tiramisu!