Wondry Cocktail Wines Shark Tank
Wondry Cocktails Wines Shark Tank
(This was written before the addition of Shark Tank wines to the menu!)
That was some back and forth between me and my friends. If you're reading this, that's okay! You're part of the discussion, we're here for you.
The view from the deck above.
After awhile my friends were getting bored with what they were already enjoying, so we got together on the deck of my house, and began to drink the selections that the Food Network had sent out to the Shark Tank in the last few weeks. We drink water, we drink vinegar. This was me and my friends...I don't actually drink water. The water is a daily amenity, I'm too cheap to pay even for a normal human in a shower to do it for me. I do that every two weeks, that is the end of the line, and so I have to pay for them. If you want to know of the daily one-use-for-one-minute-of-water price to get you back in line with me, just look at your morning cup of coffee. Sorry to break your habit, but a good rainstorm has ruined your morning cup of coffee again.
The Wall Street Journal sent it up from the pool where their lawyers and team had a party.
Well it wasn't what I would call the Shark Tank, for sure. It was more like the party that the lawyers and their friends do in their so-called "secrets" bars. All the great new wine and the awesome wine gadgets and more booze and booze gadgets and yaks, wow! If you ever get in one of those, let me know.
(The great new wine is the new Sveva Evian, from Italy)
Oh, the wine is brilliant. Now the Wall Street Journal sent it up from the pool where their lawyers and team had a party. It was from a pretty good label in Leicestershire called Sveva, which is basically a fancy French Rhone from southern Italy. My nose is a bit wrong though (just used to drink it through a straw, remember?), so we took three glasses of Sveva around to the deck of my house for a real party.