Wow Darkmoon Faire Profession Quests

Azaria x3
Darkmoon Faire
Poison Arrow
Proving Ground
Lightning Cub
Marauder Faire
Darkmoon Faire Part 1
Day of Dread
Darkmoon Faire Part 2
Darkmoon Faire Part 3
Omen of Wonder
Darkmoon Faire, Part 1
Darkmoon Faire, Part 2

Darkmoon Faire, Part 1 will start tomorrow. This one is coming very soon. Here's a rundown of why

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The players are hunting by day at Darkmoon Faire. At night they hunt in the dark-infested shadows of the Dark Moon of Moon Dragon. The quest gives a number of minor quests that their story will need to fulfill. One of these quests will give their character at least two new arms, one of which can be used by any player character.

Day of Dread Quests

Quest - You must capture one of the seven dragons in the seven kingdoms to gain these three items

These three items are the weapons of glory that are needed to fight the master destroyer, Zurg. A quest in Moon Land grants three chests

The Dragon Barbershop was a well known barbershop in Moon Land. The very well known Dragon Barbershop was filled with dragon blood and legends of dragons. There was also a set of the Dragon Barrels. The Dragon Barrels allowed the quest to "Castdragon" - a craft that would grant the player the ability to wield a new weapon called the Dragon Barrels.

One of the stories of the Dragon Barbershop is that the barbershop was a refuge for monsters after they lost their dragonness. After casting out a guard of one of the monsters who was known as the Dragon Baron, he revealed to the new barbershop a secret entrance a door to a closet. There were 2 ancient books in the closet that revealed the mysteries of darkness and life. The tavern keeper brought the story to life with these tools.

Quests for the Darkmoon Faire

These quests are the quests that will be introduced to you at Darkmoon Faire. Once your character successfully completes these quests, you will have a dragon sword at your disposal.