Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Uncover The Truth

Ever since the second Xenoblade Chronicles was released, there have been many rumors floating around online about what exactly is the truth about the next chapter, but after a little digging into the game’s code, we’ve been able to find out exactly what went down in the second chapter and how this information can actually affect the plot. While initially everyone assumed that Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Revenge of the Fireflies would be a new story that takes place after The Wind Rises, I imagine that many fans assume that this story will be the sixth and final story, which is not the case. While this may be a little frustrating because, at first, the announcement was made, the more I come up with ideas to explain to my fellow voice actresses that I won’t get any more voice acting jobs, the more I thought about it and realized that I no longer wanted to tell all of my fellow actors what to get more work, but how I might actually have to?

In addition to the rumors that the story takes place after Wind Rises, there have been many fans that have stated that they are unaware of this chapter after having played the game for years and find it difficult to believe because the fourth game seemed to not start until after Wind Rises. Sure, that may or may not be true, but since fans are always intrigued by the series’ upcoming chapter, I would assume it is the case regardless. Let’s find out about the truth of the chapter, instead of all of these rumors popping up online.

In the beginning of chapter 8, we are given the first hint that this will be the sixth chapter and that this chapter will have both sequel and prequel elements, with that being the main theme. In that scene, we learn that General Iroh-o has to travel back in time to this era once again and that he will destroy all of the enemies gathered here with a force large enough to compete.

While there is nothing that can be released before the game’s release date, things will become apparent much quicker when we see the game’s real graphics, but before we get there, I want to talk about the scene we were given in chapter 7 at a certain location, so we can better understand what we are in for.