Xfinity Oops This Feature Is Not Working


To Give This Movie a New Look..

This is an easy step but we desperately need your help. Please click on the image below for full details and to share this with your friends.

The bottom line is, this feature has been completely abandoned just like it was last year at the same location. I hope this doesn’t change and I think other cities would love to follow. Please help as soon as you can. We need it!

Thank you very much and have a blessed Christmas and a wonderful and safe New Year.
Scott McLaverty
Make It Stop
Special Promo For All Clients of The Land Rover Support Service

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Aftershocks from this earthquake stopped 30 seconds before the submersion occurred. Video showing that the submersion caused serious damage to the subfloor and for sure subfloor siding was severely damaged as well. The blast wave appeared to remain about 40 feet away from the submersion

4 October 2011
9 August 2011
9 August 2011 Video
Please go to or your favorite search engine for many more amazing Land Rover content.
27 October 2011
13 June 2011
13 June 2011 Video

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