Yolanda Vega Salary
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Hiring a Payroll/Employment Tax Specialist in Ventura, CA
Yolanda Vega. Salary. New. Orange County
* Overview *
Hello, My name is Yolanda and I’m a payroll & employment tax specialist/Criminal Defense Attorney with a legal practice in Orange County. At The Law Office of Yolanda Vega, I work with clients in Orange and Ventura Counties providing assistance with all aspects of employment, salary reviews, and wrongful tax liens.
I am currently searching for an attorney to represent me in the following areas:
* Summary *
I’m looking for a knowledgeable and experienced Attorney ready to assist me in the following areas: * criminal defense * salary reviews * employment tax investigations * employment discrimination * military duty clearances and discharge * military pay disputes * credit card and loan dispute resolution
I have completed postgraduate education in Criminal Law and Defense Law and am certified as Criminal Defense Attorney with the National Board of Trial Advocacy.
I maintain a law practice with an abundance of federal and state caselaw in training and courtroom, as well as additional experience with military leave discharges and monetary disputes.
Please review my job posting in the link below. Please note that all attorneys at my office are expected to maintain a strong work ethic with a mastery of current state and federal caselaw, and a portfolio of experience utilizing military cases.
At my firm, I strive to use the best research to correctly help my clients by using the best legal advice. I do not shirk these duties and rely on my legal counsel, others, to properly advise me to advance in my career toward a prosperous career with a favorable outcome for all.
Before starting work at my law firm, please verify my qualifications and experience through my public-facing job postings and references.